JOIN US AND HELP IMPROVING XBARCELONA! In order to continue to develop xbarcelona and to grow its community and add more content, languages etc., we are looking for people wanting to contribute and/or collaborate. We basically are thinking of people with the following know-how: -HTML experience -PHP/MySQL experience -At least english (any other languages welcome) -CMS experience (we are thinking of moving to TYPO3 or something similar) -Willing to spend some free time to help developping and improving If you do not have this know-how but would like to contribute please write us! As we are a nonprofit site, you will understand that we are not able to pay for your collaboration. We actually pay for our URL registry and hosting without any financial return. However, you will receive your own cool mailbox ;-) So if you are an open minded person with a vision and believe, agree and can identify with xbarcelonas priciples we would like to hear from you and believe that you will gather a lot of new contacts and experiences by joining xbarcelona (looks great on any CV). Please send an email to info(AT) |